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Please note that any comment, tweet (Twitter @newweirdjtt) or e-mail containing unpleasant message, suspicious links, or received by the Spam folder will not be entertained. Just remember that I can be a good friend but a bitter enemy, get it?
Hey, I'm supposed to be an independent, self-publishing fiction writer through my Samizdat Publications and yet selling my first published books had became difficult despite the good story quality and affordability of these. I think that I'll be returning soon to that search for a publishing company like I did in the past and so I must lay down my "pride" for my other unpublished manuscripts. I hope that I'll find a just and humane publisher who is open-minded to give chance to aspiring fiction writers like me, support Philippine literature and renewed interest in reading books, and without the attitude of treating the publishing industry as just some business gamble.
SOLILOQUY According to Webster’s Dictionary, soliloquy (so-lil-o-kwi) n. /plural soliloquies/ is the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud in solitude; a speech in a play through which a character reveals his/ her thoughts to the audience, but not to any of the other characters, by voicing them aloud , usually in solitude. (derived from Latin soliloquium “to speak alone”). Grolier International Dictionary defines soliloquy as a literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to himself/ herself or reveals his/her thoughts in the form of a monologue without addressing a listener; the act of speaking to oneself in or as in solitude.
Rage Against The Machination
Ahoy! Ang daming pageviews na ang blog post na ito! (added here- October 31, 2014)
Bakit ba ang dami-daming pageviews dito na parang galing pa sa ibang bansa? (November 3, 2014)
Some people find me disgusting because of how I dress or carry myself... I am just being myself, I don't care anyway about your bitter criticisms.
They don't like me... I dislike them back...
I'm sick and tired of some people's established standards and expectations of how should I be...
Why should you be intrigued by my statements and how I express myself? I've never been in a romantic relationship. Boyfriend- I don't think so. Just look at me. Do I look like a real 'human being' in their (or your) eyes? Girlfriend- having one is a serious taboo. Lesbianism- delusion that should be attacked and be shot point-blank, and destroyed; it's against my principles...
I never have a boyfriend, not even a suitor. I don't give a damn. Those men care only for the physical looks. No one realizes that a strange-looking stone is actually a genuine diamond. Should I go for a total makeover just for the acceptance of people who just can't accept me as who I am?
I'm not paranoid; some people do really dislike me. That's some bitter reality. They don't want me to stay close to them. Yeah, I just keep distance. Solitary, misunderstood weirdo, that's me... but I'm not doing any harm... yet they still don't like me.

emotionally drunk... emotionally intoxicated without the need for alcoholic drinks;
ReplyDeletehoy! clean-living ako at may healthy lifestyle, ano? and don't forget- spiritual nourishment whether during ups or downs